Dear Sweetheart,
Today you met my brother Joe, your uncle, and he usually isn't a fan of holding brand new babies, but he sure loves you. He held you and he just stared and stared at you and commented on how much he feels connected to you. He says you have the sweetest temperment, and you do. You hardly ever cry unless you need a diaper change or are hungry and when you cry you sound like a little squeeker toy. He loves you very much and he gave you a little stuffed dog to remember him by. You also met your uncle Rob and his wife Rachel. They stared at you for the longest time, also, without saying a word which is unusual because they are such great conversationalists. But they just stared with looks of awe and love on their faces. They finally spoke and said, "He's beautiful. He's perfect. I feel connected to him." Baby Boy, we may not see each other that often in this lifetime, and you may never meet your aunts and uncles again, but we are connected. I grew to know you while I was pregnant and you are an amazing little guy.
You may not remember me, but we had nine months together. We have some things in common. The first time I saw you on the ultrasound, you had your hands folded underneath you and you were sleeping on your stomach. You also had your ankles crossed. That's how I sleep. I've always slept with my hands underneath me and my ankles crossed and I sleep most comfortably on my stomach. That was a really special moment for me and one I will never forget. You are a night owl, as well, like me. That's when your kicks were the liveliest and so far in the hospital, you sleep majority of the day and are wide awake late at night, looking around with your big, beautiful eyes, taking in the world for the first time. You love music, like me. I first learned this when I was still pregnant with you. I went to play my piano (I've played for 14 years now) and as I was playing, you started reacting to the music immediately and began kicking. I loved that moment because I know you heard the music. You typically would kick in the morning around the time I would wake up, between 8 or 9 a.m. and then again around lunch time, which is usually around 2 or 3 in the afternoon for me and then again at night as I would lay down to go to sleep. I would fall asleep feeling you kick me and then wake up again around 2 or 3 in the morning to use the potty and, guess what, you would be awake kicking away at me. This is how I knew you could hear the music, because it was around noon that day that I was playing the piano, a time when you were typically resting. Throughout the rest of my pregnancy with you, every time I would turn on the radio and there was a good beat, you would react immediately. As we've been in the hospital, I've noticed this too. When you start to get restless or anxious, I'll sing to you and you calm right down. Music is in your blood and I couldn't be more pleased about that. Music will always be your ally, along with your family. Music and my family have always been there for me through life's difficulties and that can be the same for you. So, you see, you and I have always been connected and we always will be connected through the things we share in common. My family feels that same connection towards you, too. We love you.
your birth mother
Dear Sweetheart,
We cuddled again all day today. You have been with me every day since your conception from the moment I wake up, and now till I can no longer hold you late at night, due to my exhaustion. The nurses have been getting after me because I don't want to eat because that takes away from the time I get to hold you. So, I worked out a deal with my mom. She holds you while I eat because you love to be held and we love holding you and putting you down for even one second in the baby pram is not an option. You are my life and joy. Good night, my baby boy.
your birth mother
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