Sunday, April 15, 2012

Peace in the Difficult

I believe that peace can be found in the most difficult of times.  I have seen this throughout all my life.  What are your thoughts on this?  Do you believe that peace can be found in the difficult?  Share with me.


  1. If I am having a really difficult time with something I have a really hard time finding peace when I am going through it. I did find some comfort from going to church and made some connections but I never really felt like it was my thing. Guess I was riding on someones shirt tail. Or maybe, it wasn't the church at all but people were sharing in my story.

  2. I knew that when I placed Baby Boy for adoption that it was going to take a lot to figure out "who I am now". There is no way to do such a thing without it altering your life completely, at least for me anyway. It's surprising to come to terms with what "no longer works/fits" from my old life in this new life. But it's important to be honest too, even though that can be really hard because you know what you have to say is going to be hard to hear. It's about moving forward and you have to be honest in order to do that very thing. That's my feelings on the matter, anyway. Thank you so much for sharing with me.

  3. I believe it is absolutely possible! I haven't found it to be particularly easy in challenging circumstances to feel at peace, that's for sure. I think we have to work at it and that is not easily done. I'll admit to sometimes finding it hard to feel peace even when things seem to be going "just right." I know when I am feeling challenged and stressed and overwhelmed the last thing I want to do is work for peace, I just want it right now! And there are indeed those tender mercies when a feeling of peace, even if only fleeting, is gifted to us. We must recognize those and I think our gratitude for them will help us grow and open our eyes to other moments of peacefulness. It's no easy feat. But I believe if we are open, honest, and receptive the Lord will indeed bless us.

  4. Jessica, I couldn't agree with you more. I think it is those fleeting moments of peace in the most difficult times we face that are the peace that I'm talking about. It is easy to take for granted the times when everything "feels" perfect because we have nothing in that moment to compare it to otherwise. But, when you are in the thick of difficulty and you are blessed with a moment of peace, however brief, that moment is empowering to the soul. Which brings to mind the power of peace. If the tiniest inkling of peace has so much power to enlighten the dark of the difficult, what powerful things hope and peace are. Thanks so much for your comment. How are you feeling?
