Saturday, January 1, 2011

The Color of 2011

For the last couple of months, I've been thinking about what color I want 2011 to emulate. This is important to me because this color will set the entire tone for the year. I've decided to go with the color red. 2010 was a year of accepting and moving forward in a natual rhythm; nothing forced and so it only seemed natural that last year's color was blue, which is the color of the ocean and water. You cannot control the flow of water, it happenes naturally and that is what I wanted for 2010.

I'm excited for 2011 and when I think about excitement I think about the color red. Red symbolizes excitement, energy, passion, love, strength, and power. Red symbolizes anything intense and passionate. That's what 2011 is going to be for me. Anything I set my mind to in 2011 I'm going to accomplish and I'm going to accomplish it with passion and excitement.

Red is bold and brazen. "Brazen", that's an interesting word. It usually caries along with it a negative connotation, like a contemptuous kind of boldness. But I like that word... brazen. To me it means something purposefully done; something done in a manner suggesting that it was meant to be done, regardless of the outcome; like taking a chance on something that is important to you, even though all the odds are stacked against you, and everyone tells you that it's impossible, but you do it anyway because you've got to at least try. How else will you know how cold the water is unless you jump in? Sure, you can tiptoe in, but that isn't always beneficial. To tip-toe is to prolong what is inevitable. I doubt I'm making any sense right now.

Red is brave and what I need in my life right now is a little bravery. Blue was the transition in to the unknown and red is the bravery to see me though to what's on the other side. Red is beautiful and bold and life needs to be lived boldly... I've learned that a life lived any other way than brave is a life empty of life. I'm ready live boldly now.

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