Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Regarding Mother's Day


  1. I thought about you on mother's day! I hope and pray that you are doing well! That video is hysterical.

  2. Thank you so much for your thoughts. I've learned a very valuable lesson about myself throughout this entire process and that is to never write when I am feeling extreme emotion... I sat at my computer for hours trying to write a post about Mother's Day and it was so depressing and aggressive, haha, I couldn't bring myself to publish it because I knew it was all purely from the moment I was experiencing. And then I came across this video and it pretty much summed up how I felt and it also made me laugh, so that to me is a win-win situation.

    KT, I just got your card in the mail. I actually just finished reading it. You are so kind. Thank you so much for your support and kindness, it really means the world to me.
